Full-Stack Python Developer

Swarit Choudhari

Proficiency in Python
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hello there! I am Swarit Choudhari, founder of the fireworks Github API wrapper. MochaOS, which is still in development. And the dogfacts-api! I am very good at chess. (a state champion really...) I also like to code in my freetime and play instruments like the flute! I am mainly proficient in python, c#, javascript, HTML, tailwindcss, react.js, shell, and many more things! If you want me to make something for you, go ahead and click the contact me button! And I will do my best to make something for you at no extra cost! Thank you for choosing me! What I am working on 👇 For more projects check out my Githbu and Replit!


MochaOS is an OS that runs mainly in your terminal! It is one of my side projects and you can check it out if you click the "MochaOS" above this! Note: It is still in development!


DogFacts-API is an api that gives dogfacts along with many other various things such as a diceroll, reasons to get a dog and many more! Check it out by clicking "DogFacts-API" above!

Fireworks Github API Wrapper

Fireworks Github Wrapper-API is a wrapper for the github api! This is one of the projects that got me into the Github Developer Program! Check it out by clikcing the "Fireworks" above!